Anime has long been a medium for creators to flex their muscles and pull out new storylines and concepts that break the mold. It is just like any other kind of fiction in which you have your groundbreaking staples of the genre and the large number of knock offs that then try and ride the hype wave. One theme that has been catching on in just about everything is that dark and edgy is the only kind of cool. We honestly have an obsession with things being dark (myself included) to the point where we shunt anything that doesn't have those properties to the sidelines. This unfortunately leads to a lot of shows trying to be dark just for the sake of being dark; attempting to grab the limelight in any way that they can. This unfortunately brings us to the topic of today's review of the anime Selector Infected WIXOSS, a show with enough zetsubou to make even the most hardened of souls cry. However, is there more to this show than misery? Let's find out.
Our story takes place in modern Japan where a new trading card game called WIXOSS is sweeping the country. The show also makes sure to note that the game is especially popular among girls and that trading card games aren't just for otaku boys anymore (which makes me even more conscious about being Yu-Gi-Oh! player). Our protagonist is a girl named Ruko who is a quiet girl who wants nothing more in life than she already has: a loving home life with her grandmother and older brother. However, her brother is worried that in her new school she isn't making any new friends and so he buys her a WIXOSS deck so that she has a way to meet new people. It's truly a loving gesture because as a TCG player we all know that its a self-destructive habit...thanks bro. Getting back to the plot, it turns out that Ruko's WIXOSS deck is not exactly ordinary. Her LRIG (think of it like a card playing avatar) is alive within her own card which makes Ruko freak the hell out. After running into another player with the same problem named Yuzuki, Ruko learns that she has been chosen as a Selector. Win enough games of WIXOSS as a Selector and one becomes an Eternal Girl, one capable of granting the Selector's most desired wish. On the other hand, lose three games and one loses their right to be a Selector and will never see that wish granted. Ruko's problem is that she doesn't have anything that she longs for and thus has no wish; she just likes playing WIXOSS because its fun to battle. However, Ruko along with her friends Yuzuki and Hitoe eventually find that being a Selector isn't all fun and games leading them down an extremely dark path.
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Time to duel |
The main problem with Selector Infected WIXOSS is that it is trying so hard to be like Madoka Magica. Now, this goes without saying that no show should really be slammed for being "inspired" by another show. However, WIXOSS doesn't even try to hide its Madoka-ness to the point where I can hear the the creative team's discussion. "Hmm, are we going to promote this excessively complex card game? Ahhh wait! I know! Remember that show back in 2011 that was all about magical girls and got super dark and despressing and it made everyone want to cry? Remember how popular and well-liked that show was and still is? Let's do that!" I mean, as soon as the whole Selector business began I already knew where it was going. Hell, even the musical score goes with a medieval leitmotif that just has Madoka echoes all over it and just screams out a similar tone (I unfortunately can't find the exact song I'm referring to). The real problem with this is, WIXOSS wants to have that deep dark, plot twist filled plot that Madoka has but it doesn't do it nearly as well as Madoka. In Madoka we had a deconstruction of the entire genre as well as the idea of heroism with plenty of Faustian themes floating around. WIXOSS' plot gets going, you start to get into it and then the big twists come and it leaves you just saying...well...that's it? They feel like twists just for the sake of having them, rather than serving some greater purpose. I won't lie, I was really intrigued by the plot and was honestly hooked by episode 5 or 6. The first big twist I think was actually really well done. However, after that the show just dicks around for a few more episodes before realizing "OH CRAP, WE HAVE A FINALE TO DO!!" It isn't that what WIXOSS goes for isn't interesting and dark material. Its just that other shows have done similar things and have honestly done them a hell of a lot better. I'll be honest about the final episode too, it's pretty great mostly just on a "what the hell just happened" sort of level. I'm hoping the second season (currently out and completed) will answer those questions because the ending of this first season was pretty mindblowing.
Used to it, there's a lot of suffering in this show |
From an audio and visual standpoint, WIXOSS cleans up rather well. It's well animated, there isn't anything egregiously bad, and the characters are all rather inoffensive...well except for this dude. The biggest complaint would be that it all feels very uninspired and reads, we made this show simply to sell cards. The music is another average part of the show filled with a mix of upbeat electro tracks and some more downtrodden ones that seem to have been left off the Madoka soundtrack. The opening and ending themes aren't anything especially amazing either.
In closing, there is a decent bit to like about Selector Infected WIXOSS. It could have just been a mail it in show meant to sell cards but the creators actually put the effort in to create something of higher quality. Unfortunately, it still fails to hold itself up to the standard that it is clearly trying to emulate. I guess the bottomline is that it is just a distinctly average anime, good enough that I can't tell anyone that they shouldn't watch it but not good enough to wholeheartedly give it the "add to list right now" recommendation. If you like shows in the same realm as Neon Genesis Evangelion or Madoka you'll find some stuff to like here but even so, there are still shows even from this past year that handle the material this show handles in a better way (see. Death Parade). With all of that said, Selector Infected WIXOSS is better than your average anime fare and even merits a watch of its second season but you shouldn't be in a rush to watch it.
My Score: The most 3/5 show I've reviewed yet...