Friday, May 31, 2013

An Introduction is Necessary

Question is...why start blogging now? I've always considered myself one of those people that would work really well with a blog, I always have things to say and I always want people to hear them...hence how quickly I took to Twitter over the past year. I could never bring myself to blog however, for no real reasons actually. I guess I was scared of the potential workload, feeling pressure to post frequently, I don't really know. All I know is that now, as I write this, I am beginning an undertaking that I'm definitely going to enjoy and I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy as well.

So with that out of the way...what am I trying to accomplish with this blog? Nothing really, I just need an outlet to put my thoughts on paper (internet space?) instead of being cooped up in my head. I've always wanted to do things like anime, tv show, movie reviews, sports, etc. So that's what this blog will entail. I only watch three TV shows regularly (USA's Psych, CBS's How I Met Your Mother, and BBC's Sherlock) so I plan on posting frequently about these shows. In addition, being the cinephile I am, I'm sure to be posting about movies, a lot.

Finally, sports, one of my greatest passions. If you're a fan of the English Premier League and Arsenal FC, you'll love me. If you're a Tottenham, Chelsea, Manchester United, or Liverpool're going to hate me. I'll also post thoughts here about all the Boston area sports teams, especially since the Bruins are in a really exciting time right now.

Anyways, that's about it from me for now. I can't wait to begin this and I hope whoever ends up reading this will enjoy it as well.

With love,

Heres a pic of Jim Moriarty from Sherlock just for kicks...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Love this post! This kid keeps it fresh! - BKRasta69
