Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Counting Down the 20 Coolest Anime Characters - #18 Amane Suzuha, Steins;Gate

Amane Suzuha
Reason for applying?
Serious CRT buff!
You're hired

Here's an example of what I mean when I say that each character on this list has their own reason for being awesome; even if they don't entirely fit the standard definition of cool. Steins;Gate was the best anime I've watched in the past year, mostly by the merit of it's characters. The best of which is Amane Suzuha the self-titled "part time warrior". She's cool not just because her character has an awesome personality (and pulls some badass moves during the show's run as well) but because of her stellar backstory and development as a character.

Plenty badass enough for this list
In the alternate timeline that main character Okabe creates (by sending a text message of all things) in the year 2036, the organization known as SERN rules the world. This due to them being the first to invent a time machine leading them to believe that the world should bend to their whims. Suzuha comes from that future, having traveled back in time from there in order to prevent the tyrannical SERN from taking over. In that time, she was a member of the Anti-SERN Liberation Movement, a trained soldier. Realizing that SERN couldn't be stopped in her time, she traveled back into past to stop them, posing as a part-timer at the CRT shop underneath the protagonists lab. Suzuha is one of the most entertaining and tragic characters of the show. Being from a different time she's a Fish Out of Temporal Water so to speak. She's pretty quirky even in comparison to the rest of the cast who could hardly be considered normal either. The other characters are surprised by her lack of knowledge about their time (they of course don't know she's from another time period until several episodes in). Her bright and bubbly exterior though is masking a troubled and almost broken girl on the inside. Living in a dystopian future has made Suzuha into a strong soldier whose incredibly cautious to the point of paranoia. (at one point tackling Okabe to the ground because she thought a helicopter flying over was an air raid) Not to mention being the biggest badass among what is mostly a group of nerds (brains are the new sexy though). She can thank her training as a rebel soldier for that sort of thing.

Steins;Gate is a stellar series but at it's best when Suzuha is a focus
Suzuha makes this list because I thought of her as a really enjoyable character. She's energetic, fun, and she's fantastic in every scene that she's in. Of course, once you find out more of her backstory she becomes more of a tragic figure and one that you can really sympathize with. The more you find out about her the more you realize that behind her bubbly and snarky exterior; theres a traumatized rebel soldier hiding underneath. Obviously, Suzuha isn't the only "Broken Bird" character thats ever been in anime. However, I really liked the way that Steins;Gate handled her character. You can really feel how out of place she feels in the current time period and how confused and scared she is. When she finally reveals her past to the team she reveals her more cynical and serious side. Despite how the bleak the future is the rest of the cast reignites her desire to change it; giving her something that she never had in the future, friends. She gets her own run of episodes which elaborate on her backstory as well as the search for her father. The entire arc is beautifully done and the way that it comes to a close is one that is extremely emotional. These episodes are some of my favorites in what is an all around amazing show.

Suzuha is incredibly entertaining in her light moments as well
Amane Suzuha is not the most badass character on this list but she easily ranks among the most interesting. Her backstory and the way that she develops throughout Steins;Gate's run is absolutely fantastic. It's for these reasons that she's cool character #18.

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